Please feel free to simply walk-in to the Health Center to be seen M-F 8-12 or 1-4:30 (except for Gannon designated holidays), call the front desk at 814-871-7622 for assistance, or indicate in the "Best Appointment Times" text box a few different times that work best for an appointment today. We will let you know if we have any openings that match your availability as well as offer any appointment times slots we do have open. We welcome walk-in appointments and will do our best to accommodate you in a timely manner. Depending on the availability of our provider/nurses, walk-in appointments may have a short wait time if patients with standing appointments are being seen.
Once you submit this questionnaire, a nurse may be in contact with you by email or phone if needed, normally within a few hours (except for when the center is closed), to gather more information and/or to confirm an appointment time.
Our nurses can run tests such as COVID, Strep, and Flu and our nurse practitioners can provide prescription medications for a very small fee in the HC if indicated. If needed, we can also provide a care package of over-the-counter items free of charge to help you feel better.
For non-emergency immediate on-demand medical care during times the Health Center is closed, please remember students can use the TimelyCare Telehealth app which is also accessible as an option on your LiveSafe app or online at, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
For emergency situations, please visit the nearest emergency room or if transport or ambulance is needed call 814-871-7777 if on campus or 911 for assistance.